Monday, March 10, 2025

Living "Sisu"

There’s nowhere to hide when you’re the one you’re trying to hide from. 

I know myself well enough to know that when my health isn’t what I want it to be, I retreat, go quiet, hide. But it’s impossible to hide from oneself when there are constant reminders around you and within you of the reality that is. Whether it’s tripping over oxygen tubing that is snaked around the house, my nasal cannula being clotheslined off my face due to getting stuck on a dog, or the deafening hum of the oxygen concentrator that now resides in our kitchen - the perfect spot that lets me reach from one side of the house to the other with my 50ft tubing. I can’t hide from that which is within me. That which is of me. To put it plainly, my truth is no longer invisible and by that I am humbled.

“Sisu” is more than a simple Finnish word. It’s a way of living that is difficult to translate into our common English vernacular. The etymology of its root comes from a word that means  “inner” or “inside”. It’s seemingly invisible to the naked eye. “Sisu” cannot be defined but must be lived. It is born of a humble inner truth and a courage to be.

Cystic Fibrosis is often known for its invisibility to the naked eye. To be completely honest, it is what has helped me mentally survive this progressive disease over the years. To feign normalcy and hide in plain sight. It’s also been a way in which I feel I’m winning the game. But, we all know CF is playing the long game and my odds at winning aren’t great. 

What causes pancreatic cancer to be one of the most deadly cancers is due to its invisibility - cloaked in indiscriminate symptoms and left unchecked to entrench itself into the livelihood of its host until it seemingly and silently has taken on a life of its own. Even when drastic life saving measures are implemented like undergoing a “whipple”, it’s not “if” but “when” it should return. I cannot outrun or hide from this storied truth no matter how badly I’d like to protect those I love from its reality. 

The closest translation we have in the English language to the word “sisu” is “inner strength” or “guts”. And, let me tell you, my guts are freshly diced and reconfigured. So, I must have extra sisu? Right? Or, wait, they removed a bunch of organs so maybe I’ve figuratively lost some guts as well. Invisible or not, seen or unseen, silent or verbose -  there are realities in which we cannot change. The landscapes of our lives are always transforming. We are transforming. It is our very lives that are courageously speaking and from that we cannot hide.

Do you hear and feel my life speaking? I hope so, even amidst moments where I'd rather hide myself from the world. To truly live takes great courage. My life in its completion will not be defined by words that were spoken but defined by the actions, “the guts”, my "sisu", that reflect the beauty each of you has graciously poured into this one great life. And for that I am humbled with deepest gratitude and inspired beyond measure to live this truth.

With all that I am thank you to each and every one of you that came out this past Friday night. Thank you to our dear friends who put together an unforgettable night rooted in such gracious love. You make this life absolutely priceless. There simply are no words that match the meaning of such a night and celebration. Mark and I are humbled beyond words. Your outpouring of love and generosity is present in every breath of this journey. We couldn’t do this without you.

Love to you all.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Reflected in the Hard Truth

As I look around this hospital room there are reminders of a life I wish weren’t a reality. Lining the wall are my suitcases which have rolled across these cold vinyl tiled hospital floors more than any exotic locations. There’s a sweet vase of flowers a dear friend delivered. The tiny blooms a much needed reminder of the simple beauties still alive and thriving in my world. A collection of water glasses litters my little side table. My therapy VEST, IV pole, Oxygen tank, and call button all within reach. The sum of my life can be seen in the reflection cast back at me from my room’s bay windows.

The radius of my life doesn’t span too far these days. This body? One I don’t recognize nor feel home in. But, it’s mine and it’s currently the only one I’ve got supporting me. It’s a disconcerting devastation when the person in your mind does not match the person in the mirror. Who is that girl? I think she’s supposed to be me, but this life is so unrecognizable in so many ways. One thing is familiar, however, the sting of its truth.

Three weeks ago, on January 16th I underwent a major surgery to remove my cancerous pancreatic tumor called a “Whipple”. This invasive ten-hour surgery removed the cancerous part of my pancreas, bile duct, first part of the small intestine, gallbladder, and several dozen lymph nodes. Thanks to my incredible surgeon, Dr. Ankeny, the surgery was deemed a complete success. But the surgery itself was only part of the challenge on this body. Recovery was going to be long and arduous. It was bound to test my stamina, patience, and persistence. It was bound to test the tenacity of my inner hope. 

I lay my head back in the shower and fold my arms across my stomach to brace my 10+ inch incision as Mark washes my dirty hospital hair. I can’t hold back the tears any longer as he gently washes the suds from my shedding locks. I see myself reflected in his eyes and I am overcome with so many emotions: sorrow, disbelief, gratitude, and a deep visceral love. What did I ever do to deserve this person who seemingly loves me no matter what? No matter the truth of who I am. No matter the circumstance. During my hospital stay post surgery, Mark never left my side. He was my shield and my protector. He also was the voice of reason to my maybe more than stubborn mind. If I would so much as flinch he was there to grab my hand and help me to my feet. He dried my tears and picked out my clothes. He encouraged me while being honest. 

Two weeks after surgery I was discharged to continue recovery at home. Home sweet home. Our home. My happy place. I felt ready to go home knowing Mark would be with me every breath of the way. As happy as I was to go home, I also knew it was going to be so hard.

Home was indeed hard, but wonderful. My breathing seemingly continued to get worse as I couldn’t walk across the room without becoming severely short of breath even on constant Oxygen. I wouldn’t be home two days before the trepidation in Mark’s voice and worry in his eyes told me we needed to go back to the hospital. So, those familiar suitcases were repacked and the 4+ hour trip was made to the ER at UofM where I’d sit for 76 hours before being able to get a bed on my usual 7B floor. (I was well looked after in the ER as I waited for a bed) Again, Mark never left my side nor ever made me feel like a burden or inconvenience. The first night in the ER he forbid to get a hotel room for himself knowing I was unsettled in the ED. I’d so much as flinch and he was right next to me asking what I needed or where I needed to go. When providers would come in and I’d be at a loss for words, he’d speak up and speak truth to compassion - giving an honest, and I mean honest, recount reflected in how I was truly doing. It wasn’t well. Me and my world suddenly feeling so small and obsolete. I didn’t recognize this person nor this life. It wasn’t until I looked beside me that I could remember who I was. It’s in Mark’s love I could recognize any part of myself or this life.

After being on IV antibiotics for 8+ weeks, we were at a loss as to why my lungs continued to fail me. In those eight weeks I became in need of wearing supplemental Oxygen. First, just for exertion as my O2 saturation would fall into the 70s. Now, I am needing it all the time. It doesn’t matter how much my mind tries to will my saturations to be normal, this body seems emboldened by its liberties and stealing my sense of autonomy. This body is not my own, nor do I want to recognize this life as such.

The ER was filled with a multitude of usual tests, questions, and outcomes. But the latest CT scan found an abscess in my lung. At least there was an explanation for the immense pain, feeling as if I was starving for air, and the exhaustion. This cavernous pocket embedded within my lung could be due to months of immunosuppression thanks to chemo, cystic fibrosis and the ever-present bacteria that call my lungs home, fungus, or a new bug that found its way into my lungs that was hitting them hard. It doesn’t matter how or what, it only matters if we can stop it from growing and get the infection under control. After another week of IV therapies we were hoping to see the abscess shrink in size. Sadly it instead grew, leaving us all at a loss with what direction to take next. 

We have chosen a new treatment plan with the great hope that this takes care of this lung abscess. All we can do is simply trust and have patience, all while still recovering from the major surgery I had only three weeks ago. But, I get to go home this week. Home to a place I can find some semblance of myself and this life.

I can’t think about it all too long or I might lose myself to it. It can be difficult to look at the future when it’s one you’re not sure that you want to recognize. So instead, I look to the truth of now and simply what is. I look to those who stand beside me. To Mark who stands with me, and at times, for me. In my reflection I see glimpses of myself and the person I will forever be, regardless of what’s happening to me. I choose to see the love that embodies this life and the gift it still is. It may hurt to look forward but I forbid to look back. I look only to today with a hope for tomorrow. A place where there is no space for fear. Only space for grateful love reflected in the hard truth.

Love to you all.

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Search for Answers and Air

My steps find a familiar rhythm as I walk this familiar hallway. Its long corridor leading me away from the main hospital to a different building where the hallways become narrow, winding, and the tile on the floor makes me feel like I've gone back in time half a century. But this time I don't venture into the winding world of labs, office doors, class schedules, and what I can only glean are prestigious and notable faculty name plates. This time, instead of passing through an open threshold I come to a new set of closed doors. There's a sign posted that says access now requires a badge and entry is limited. A painful familiar feeling washes over me. It is like the air is being pulled from my body. My mind wishing to wander but held back by the physicalities of this body. A stinging reality - my world suddenly and seemingly smaller. 

Only a mere decade ago, before Covid and before the all-to-common reigning threat of public shootings I'd lose myself in the maze of hospital halls and tunnels across campus. My IV pole a lamp unto my feet and my hospital bands a passport to belonging. In those moments was a sense of freedom that CF couldn't touch. I'd move from decade to decade as I'd pass through halls of histories. I'd imagine what it would be like being a student at UofM and studying medicine from my own care team - impassioned by a purpose of simply helping people. In many ways, fighting for and dedicated to returning a freedom forgone by disease, illness and unchangeable circumstance. A world paved with vast possibilities.

A year ago while in-patient at the UofM, after being away for many years due to circumstances of insurance, I set out one evening with my IV pole to walk the familiar and comforting halls I'd come to know so well. I was soon stopped, however, as a once open entrance was now a set of closed double doors with key card readers. The doors had a small window in which I could see the walkway I once would follow. I remember a familiar sting of sadness. Shut out. My world made a bit smaller by closed doors and forbidden pathways. 

Since coming home from the hospital in mid December, I regrettably found myself getting worse instead of better. I was struggling with continued lung function decline, fluid retention, and dangerous oxygen saturations when I was active. The day after Christmas I was admitted through the ER at the University of Minnesota knowing that if things continued as they were I not only wouldn't be cleared for surgery to remove the cancerous tumor on my pancreas but I'd be facing the progressive realities of CF's wrath. 

The world isn't becoming smaller, just my place within it is. Shut out by my own body. So, here we sit with many unanswered questions and a goal of simply getting me to and through surgery. As we search for answers along with air, we are also racing against time. Upon completion of my decided final round of chemo there's an optimal window of time to undergo surgery. The body needs time to recover post chemo to be in the best shape for surgery, but we can't wait too long otherwise we risk losing any headway that was gained. 

So, on January 16th I will be undergoing a Whipple Procedure. This invasive surgery involves removing the head of the pancreas, the first part of the small intestine, bile duct, and gallbladder. To put it simply, much of my GI system will be removed and reconstructed in hopes to remove as much of the cancer as possible and give me the best possible outcome long term. My world is feeling a bit tunnel visioned and myopic right now - a collection of narrowed unfamiliar hallways and closed corridors left in the hands of hope and a team of providers for whom I am so grateful. Today, I will follow wherever these winding halls and passageways are willing to take me - making the most of any and all thresholds that I am free to cross.

Love to you all.

Friday, November 22, 2024

A girl called "Tragedy"

There once was a girl they called “Tragedy.”

They say she came into this world clothed in an invisible armor for a fight she did not choose.

Little did she know, but much of her life would be fought waging war not with the world around her but a war within herself. 

When I think about that girl, my heart hurts for her. I am sad for her. For the things she has never gotten to experience and the moments yet to come that she will never know. 

But, it’s strange. I don’t feel sorry for myself but instead feel a deep sadness for the girl that could have been - the world she could have known. I see that girl reflected in the faces of those I love - my friends, my family, Mark. There is no anger, just sadness.

There once was a girl called “Tragedy.”

She learned from a young age that the sharpest swords would not save her. 

She tried for years to outrun, outwill, and outsmart her circumstances but the armor she bore offered little protection for the ever changing fight at hand.

If I take a step back from myself and look at the narrative of my life one might easily say it has been a life rooted in disease, divorce, despair, loss, suffering, pain, and adversity.

But, in all reality I have never viewed my life as such - a “tragedy” that is. It is only after this latest diagnosis of cancer have I felt such a deep sadness for the girl who was assigned this life.
I find myself whispering beneath my breath “thank you” for sticking with me through it all while also holding back tears laden with the words “I’m sorry.”

There once was a girl they called “Tragedy”

They say the armor she bears is composed of impossibility. 

That by all odds she should not be here. 

Her arrows are forged in forgiveness and her bow built on borrowed time. 

We’ve made it through eight rounds of chemo. Four more to go with a scan and oncology and CF appointments in there as well. This body is holding up given the circumstances, but to be honest, I will be so grateful for the day when “chemo” isn’t a part of my daily dialogue. It’s a delicate dance between CF and Cancer. By depleting my immune system with chemo, my lungs continue to take a “hit” with every round. It’s hard to know where CF complications and symptoms begin and where the effects of chemo end. Am I exhausted because of CF? Chemo? Am I just lazy? Maybe I can merely outwill and outwit all of this. There’s a voice I hear reverberating throughout my body saying “you should be doing and handling this all better. You should be pushing yourself harder.”

There once was a girl they called “Tragedy”

She would not be defined by circumstance but instead poised for possibility. 

She learned her greatest strength was not in the fight itself but how she could use the struggle for good. 

So she shed the armor she thought protected those she loved and embraced the battle before and behind her.

There once was a girl they called “Tragedy”

They say she was focused, fearless, and fervent. 

She learned that it was the tragedy itself that gave her life its trajectory. 

And while she felt the heavy pull of each obstacle, It’s what gave her the strength to close her eyes and trust what may lie ahead - believing in a good greater than all comprehension. Because tragedy never makes sense.

This life and all it’s given has made me who I am. When I stopped fighting its existence and instead embraced its truth, therein lied the whole of who I am and could be. And while my heart feels heavy for such a girl, I can’t help but feel grateful for this one wild and beautiful life some might call a tragedy. But it’s mine, and it’s the only one I get. I am not a tragedy.

There is a girl they call  “tragedy.”

They say she lives her life overcoming odds and finding beauty in impossibility.

She embraces her name while breathing life into its greater trajectory.

Amidst every setback she simply pulls the nock of the arrow back just a little bit further - aiming higher towards the sky. 

But the tension of the bow can prove to be too much at times. It’s the hands that surround Tragedy that make holding it steady even possible, let alone give it strength to soar.
When it’s time to release that arrow, there’s a hope that fuels its flight. A destination unknown. 

But, when it does find its final destination Tragedy hopes that her life might not be defined for its difficulties but a reflection of the beauty that can come from unchosen circumstances. 

There is no tragedy where hope is found. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Moms, Dads, & Diagosis

I have not nor will I ever have the chance to be a mom.

Of a human child that is. I realize I proudly own every sweatshirt, hat, and keychain that says, “proud dog mom” on it. In that case, I’ve been a new mom six times and loved every furry four-legged addition to our house. I also am grateful for Mark’s willingness to embrace the chaos of such a furry family and make it our own. *For clarity and to temper your thoughts that I am the crazy dog lady, we have only ever had four at once. I realize that last sentence didn’t help my case. For what it’s worth, the Ballou-Bonnema Dood Ranch is currently full. 

Now, we have friends who have so graciously embraced us as parts of their families and there’s no greater love than the love I feel for their littles. Or, not so littles as with every breath it seems ten years pass. Time and milestones I never thought I’d witness.  It’s one of life’s greatest gifts - to watch those you love become parents. It also is one of the hardest. Not because I still imagine what Mark and my life would have been like had we experienced having a baby placed in our arms for the first time, but because I see how difficult it is to be a parent. It’s the most important and most difficult job there truly is. It’s always been my greatest hope that our friends who are parents know they are not alone in this journey. That they are seen and loved for who they are and we love their littles because of them. 

I feel a lump form in my throat as I imagine my best friends holding their children for the first time. A moment I can only imagine. One that nonetheless causes tears born from grateful beauty to fill my eyes. In that very moment I imagine the world stands still because their world is right before them - filled with a realized hope and endless possibility. 

The hardest people to tell that I had cancer? 

My parents. 

No parent wants to hear that their child has cancer, but sharing this news with my parents seemed to represent so much more. It represented a devastation paired with unrelenting realities that I can only begin to imagine as a parent. 

My parents are no strangers to pain and loss when it comes to their children. Most of my childhood was spent watching them bear witness to the unrelenting realities of having not one, but two children with CF. How do you give your children the world when it seems the only world they will ever know dares to be stolen? I think about my parents holding my brother and I for the first time and my heart hurts for them and how such a moment of peace, possibility, and potential would be shattered. 

Twenty-six years ago this week my parents lost their first child to cystic fibrosis. There had been many moments during his brief seventeen years which were thought to be his last only to have his tenacity, vigor, and strength pull him out of the clutches of death for a bit more time. It makes my stomach churn thinking about what my parents endured every time this happened. Not only watching your child be a slave to a merciless disease but to watch them fight for every breath repeatedly has to be helplessly devastating to the heart and mind. Whether a protective mechanism or one of mere coping, I have trouble remembering much of my childhood. I do, however, remember the faces of my parents as we gathered next to my brother for his final goodbye. Nate, with labored breath, was the calm to CF’s tormenting storm. But the pain woven within the creases of my parents' faces, that’s unforgettable. I still see them today and I still see Nate's face as he did his best to console their pain.

Much of who I am today is because of bearing witness to such pain. I do my best to shield anyone I love from such hurt, but most of all my parents. I cannot begin to fathom losing one child let alone knowing the likelihood of losing another to the same disease. But, then came a morsel of hope - one in the form of three tiny pills that seemingly lifted the heaviness of death from every breath. (Please feel free to read my blog entries about the life-changing drug “Trikafta”.) There was a hope, whether naive or not,  that my parents could be freed of knowing such devastation again at the hands of CF. For now, it seemed as if we had time. That I didn’t need to be that silent burden bearing down upon the hearts and minds of my parents. 

In that too familiar of a hospital room reeling amidst the unfathomable news of cancer, I couldn’t help but think of my parents and how I could possibly tell them. All I could think about was how unfair it all seemed to be. How brutal and unimaginable for them.

They were my last phone call and one I couldn’t do alone. I couldn’t keep the tears from flowing as I told them in broken words between uncontrollable sobs that their daughter had pancreatic cancer. Mark, gripping my hand, would interject in strength and poise as I seemingly tried to grapple with the pain I was unintentionally unloading onto my parents yet again. The only words that I could say was, "I'm sorry." I imagine in the 1980s what the words and diagnosis of “CF” felt like in the lives of my parents. It was deadly in many ways, to say the least. Like a bomb exploding amidst that perfect idealized family everyone is conditioned to dream of and strive to unconsciously emulate. 

That morsel of hope we’d known for the last few years? I just dropped a bomb on it. Again. I can’t help but imagine them holding me for the first time and dreaming of all of life’s grand possibilities. My reality is one a parent should never have to know, let alone dream for their child as they hold them within the hope of their arms for the very first time. 

I can’t change the reality of CF or cancer but I can promise that they will not suffer at the cost of my truth. I have been blessed with two sets of parents plus my wonderful in-laws. I hope they all know that the tenacity, strength, and gratitude I dare move through this journey with is one born from each of them and their love. That regardless of circumstances I could not do this journey without the person they’ve shaped me to be. And should my journey end sooner than we all hope, I hope that I leave them feeling most proud to have had me as their daughter. 

Hug your babies, the furry kind or human. Love to you all.

*Round 6 of chemo complete. 6 more to go. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Falling Leaves & Letting Go

There’s a familiar sadness I feel as I stare out the window of this coffee shop and see colored leaves desperately clinging to their branches. They seem so delicate. So fragile. They represent a season of change.

While this body isn’t one I’d recommend, I am constantly in awe of all it is able to withstand. This body is strong. Sometimes it surprises me and I wonder if it’s something that is built, cultivated, or just born unto you. I don’t mean physically strong, but the strength it has to endure the brutality of disease, of treatment, of survival. I ask myself frequently how can the body be so strong yet the spirit at times feels so fragile? I don’t let myself linger there for long as I know that no answer will pacify my spirit’s remorse or change the circumstances of this season. 

Hues of golden amber and vibrant yellows seem to sparkle against the sun as the wind touches every leaf. Colors glimmer against nature’s robust breath. It’s as if mother nature has been waiting to exhale and for the first time we see her in Autumn’s radiant change. 

I know CF’s change. And while I can’t predict every move and unfair shift in my CF’s progression, I understand it. Whether I want to or not. CF and I have lived together for over thirty-seven years. We’ve come to live together despite change, despite disease progression. I might even say that CF has let me live -  allowing me to truly see and experience the beauty life has to offer. The gift that it truly is. (Also, shoutout to my incredible care teams and support systems who have also helped me live this beautiful life.)

But, cancer. It seems so different. It seems so heavy like a cloak of rain soaked leaves bound together and pulling me towards the chilly earth that lay beneath my numb feet. It still feels so foreign.

We have completed five rounds of chemo which means we have seven more to go. I hate to admit it, but they’re getting harder. Physically and mentally. Soul sucking exhaustion that makes my body feel so heavy and drained - a feeling I am used to merely pushing through but find cancer and chemo’s exhaustion almost impossible. Amidst all of these treatments and appointments locally, we’ve made several trips within a given week to see my Oncology and CF teams in Minneapolis as well as a visit to replace Penelope, my portacath of seven years that decided to fracture. 

But Autumn’s radiance doesn’t last. The glimmer fades and every few seconds that rustling wind takes captive one more leaf - whirling it about in unpredictable splendor as it finds its way to the ground. One more leaf has sung its final swan song. It could no longer withstand the wind’s clawing grip and the leaf was forced to let go from its branch. 

In my backyard it still looks like summer, but there are little signs everywhere that the season is amidst change. I see it when I leave the safety of my little home and venture out into the world. When I look out my front window. When I listen and hear the unmistakable rustling of weathered leaves amongst the trees. One that if you close your eyes can be mistaken for gentle and repetitive waves as the fragile leaves do all they can to hang on for a bit longer.

My life doesn’t feel like my own no matter how I try to hang onto it, nor do I feel like myself. Who am I amidst all of this? I feel just like a girl trying desperately to live this one wild and beautiful life while trying to balance the two sides of the scale called CF and Cancer. I cherish the sweet moments that make me feel like myself. The moments that the winds of CF or Cancer aren’t pulling at me from every direction as I do my best to stand strong in remembering who and what I am. That I am more than this.

There’s that sadness again. The kind that silently grips your insides and leaves a knot in your throat forbidding you to speak of it. It’s a loss you feel so deeply that no matter how many times the season is gifted to you it never gets easier. If anything, the pang of hurt becomes more palpable. Like a heartbeat. A heartbeat you see effect so many you love.

But maybe it isn’t that the leaves are fragile and delicate at all. Maybe they’re what’s strong. They’re what is brave. Maybe it isn’t the wind that rips them from their branches but that the leaves finally let go and simply trust - giving rest to a season of hope that when the sun’s radiance finds its first warmth once again so will new life unfurl. 

I am amazed at this body and how much she can endure. How far she can be pushed. I am not sure if that should make me proud or if it merely makes my heart heavy with sadness. I do my best to remain grateful to her as she has borne the brunt of so much. But she is strong. She is resilient. And she has been so good to me.

My latest scan showed no significant change in the tumor on my pancreas. With that said, this can be viewed as good news. It’s not growing, it has not spread, and we are still early in our treatment course. However, chemotherapy is doing a number on my lungs and my liver numbers. It’s all a delicate balance as we fight not only one disease but do our best to survive the other. Out of control liver numbers could put me in a position like I was this summer where I was unable to take the CFTR modulator that has extended my life and health by slowing my CF’s progression. This drug is metabolized in the liver and therefore can cause more undue stress on the organ putting it in jeopardy. While being off of this drug in June/ July my CF symptoms came flooding back and my lung function drastically dropped by 16% in just seven days. I was back to drowning within my own body and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Thankfully, after having the ERCP my liver numbers stabilized and I was able to begin taking Trikafta again and my numbers somewhat rebounded. Unchecked lungs also means the antibiotic resistant bugs that call my lungs home have the potential in my depleted immune system to wreak havoc.

The leaves tell me that it’s time - time to be present, time to let go and time to simply trust. They tell me that amidst this season of change there is still so much beauty to be had. That it takes bravery to embrace the unknown and simply trust the wind will guide you, hold you, and help you embrace whatever the next season may hold.  Love to you all.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Constance & Seeds of Hope

From the wind it was carried across the miles and brought to rest upon chance,  atop a place it could be inspired to grow, a place it could dance - 

A place the tiniest seed of hope only dare to take root, a place only hope dare know. 

Its truth seemed insurmountable and its potential off-written. The wild world seemed wrought with unchangeable circumstances and an unfavorable position. 

The week has found me within the walls of a room on 7B in preparation for another ERCP. This time, replacing the previously placed temporary stent within my bile duct with a more permanent one. After three rounds of chemo and having to be put under anesthesia again, my pulmonary team wanted to hit these lungs with some potent antibiotics to help them rebound and weather whatever may come. Gratefully, I will be headed home by the end of the day. 

That tiny seed of hope embracing all its odds left no match unmet - 

determined to weather every storm and be grateful for every sunset. 

Today she is known as “Constance”, she’s not grand but

she’s not small. 

She is made of patience and peace - her leaves unfurled

waiting for the sun to call. 

             I sit beneath a “Constance” set between a tower of                 reddish-brown brick 

shielded from the warmth and radiance of the sun hearing an invisible clock tick.

Shadows shift, dance, and dissolve as the wind moves and evolves.

Her leaves a muse to the season’s touch, light pouring through her canopy painting patterns of contrast by nature’s brush. 

I look up and see how she shows signs of the changing season found. 

The earliest of leaves caught just right by the wind gently find their way to the ground. 

Leaves left behind cling gently to the branch - 

fluttering by way of synchronicity as if they are just waiting on chance.

The wind is warm and welcomed. It’s persistent in its presence, yet feels strangely comforting as I tuck my short new bob behind my ears for what feels like the hundredth time. My tingly numb fingers quickly reach the end of my hair and I feel a familiar sting - a reminder of this reality. One that feels both familiar, yet so foreign. 

It is mid September so the sun hangs low in the sky. Pools of amber light pour across concrete canvases and the world has for a moment, an embraceable warmth. A gentleness. I close my eyes and do my best to hold this moment within my hands - grateful to be immersed in such beauty wishing for time to simply stop. For any progression to simply stop.

But, this is the truth I’ve always known, even if I haven’t always embraced it. My life has been built upon trying to stop time - to stop the progression of CF. And now, to stop the progression of pancreatic cancer. So, why then does it feel like I am a stranger in my own life’s story? 

    Because I never imagined to know such a season. 

The shadows cast by Constance’s leaves cannot dance upon the pavement without the contrast created by the sun’s radiance. We cannot know the power of the light if we do not know the dark. We cannot know the beauty of this life and its priceless meaning without knowing all we have to lose. We cannot survive this life without even the tiniest seed of hope. 

From the wind it was carried across the miles and brought to rest upon chance, atop a place it could be inspired to grow - a place it could dance. 

A tiny seed of hope only dare to take root - only hope dare know. 

Love to you all.