Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Bird and Cancer

There once was a bird named Resilience. 

She loved to greet each new sunrise with a song and watch the setting skies turn into a cacophony of painted impressionism as stars pierced through a canvas sewn by fireflies. 

When the ground beneath her feet seemed unsteady and foreign, Resilience knew the only option before her was to learn how to fly. The warmth of the sun kissed sky would sweep her up over every cumulus cloud - weightless with reckless abandon. It’s only at such heights she could see this was a gift that came in the form of a vista. Would she have ever had the courage to fly if it had not been for sinking sand? 

When the skies bore an unforgiving cry, Resilience closed her eyes and hoped the rolling soft waves beneath would catch her - cradling her like a softspun lullaby sung from the turning tides of seas below. Or, if the waves did not hold, she’d surely learn how to swim. If the skies had not fallen out of favor would she have ever dared to taste the saltiness of the sea?  



In early July, while gratefully recovering at the University of Minnesota from compounding liver complications, it was discovered that I have Pancreatic Cancer. 


There once was a bird named Resilience. She loved to sing and would dare find there was always something good to sing about. But lately, those songs have seemingly found a chorus of cries. A few tears shed for herself, but most set as an uncontrollable spillway for the abundant love in her life that stares back at her. Each tear representative of the heartache, pain, and loss she continues to cause by the content of her composition. 

As life has taught me over these thirty-seven years, I was where I needed to be when I needed to be during all of this. If it had not been for the sudden onset of Liver and Bile Duct complications, my diligent and caring research team at Sanford along with my attentive, unwavering teams at University of Minnesota, this latest diagnosis would have never been caught at such a stage. For each of them I am grateful beyond words and know I owe my life to them. A familiar yet humbling place to rest amidst a harsh unwanted reality.

I had wished for the harshness of such a reality to find its numb place within my resilient spirit as I tried to hold back tears while coordinating a new world of referrals, oncologist/ GI appointments, PET scans, labs, chemo schedules all while trying to find the words to tell the people I love. There are only a few times in my life that I have known such hard tears: saying goodbye to Mark when we moved apart during Covid, saying the final goodbye to our first dogs, and facing the harsh unfair realities of CF ten years ago. It’s a cataclysmic schism that tears your soul in two and leaves every cell of your being laden with a restless ache that never seems to recover. You can mend the halves back together but it will never be the same.

After a meeting between all the brilliant, caring, and tenacious minds that represent my CF team and Pancreatic Oncology Team at the University of Minnesota and the Oncology team at Sanford in Sioux Falls, the best case plan was composed and a date was set to start this new journey. All in hopes it would be timed to leave me feeling my best for preparations and performances for our Breathe Bravely Backyard Bash.

Well, sometimes life happens. Instead of starting chemo I would test positive for Covid and our best laid plans would be delayed. Finally, on Monday, August 5th I received my first round of Folfirinox - a hard-hitting chemotherapy combination used to treat Pancreatic Cancer. If this body proves its stability and strength, my second round of chemo will begin again on Monday, August 19 until Wednesday, August 21.

The plan: 12 treatments in 6 months. Or, one round every two weeks. This consists of three different drugs: fluorouracil, irinotecan hydrochloride, and oxaliplatin. Two of them are administered at the Oncology Infusion Center within a several hours and one of them is sent home via continuous IV Pump (an old friend with whom I am very familiar sleeping). Good thing I’m married to my favorite infusion nurse. ***Just kidding, OCC & Oncology nurses, I love all of you!

I know what you’re all wondering. “Ashley, what’s the prognosis?”

My dear friends, if CF has taught me anything over the last three decades it is that we take life breath by breath alongside a hefty shot of hope. We do the best we can with what we are given, however that is given. I wish I weren’t writing this post. I wish more than anything I wasn’t the source of tears in the eyes of my love, my friends, my family. But, there will always be unchangeable circumstances that come with unfair expectations. We take this latest journey one treatment, one scan, and one day at a time - doing our best to be grateful for every ounce of every moment that is gifted. 


I used to think that “resilient” meant turning towards the fight and having the strength and stamina to endure all it had to give - collecting lessons, scraped knees, and survival skills along the way like badges I’d need my mom to sew onto my Girl Scout Junior sash.

But I’m beginning to believe Resilience wouldn’t fly into the storm. She’d turn, stretch out her wings and let the force of the storm’s raging winds and battering tides be her strength - carrying her across the landscapes of this beautiful life. 

Love to you all.


  1. We are all rooting for you, Ashley. 💕💕💕

  2. Praying for you Ashley, Mark and your families 💕

  3. So beautifully and courageously written. We love you deeply!!!! You are not alone in this storm called Life.

  4. You and Mark reside deep in Curt's and my heart. And in our prayers.💚

    1. Stephanie StenslandAugust 15, 2024 at 8:31 AM

      You and Mark reside deep in Curt's and my heart. Our prayers too. 💚

  5. Praying for you Ashley and family! You are loved beyond measure a child of God! May you feel his peace and presence. ❤️

  6. Dearest Ashley, I cry, I pray, I love you and Mark.

  7. Dearest Ashley, you are held dearly in our thoughts and our prayers. Sending much love and light to you as you fight on another front. ❤️

  8. You are an extraordinary poet. Because you share your journey, so many of us are lifted out of our despair. Love and prayers from both of us for this next chapter!

  9. Ashley baby... singer, writer, salty soul sister. Thank you for the gorgeous harmonies you bring to life with each word and breath that comes from your body. 🎶💙

  10. Continued prayers are with you Ashley and Mark!

  11. Love & prayers for both of you.

  12. You are an amazing person. Praying for you!

  13. Ashley and Mark, your journey has taught us about love, life, suffering, resilience and courage that only the lived experience can honestly teach. Praying for both of you.

  14. You have been such an inspiration to our daughter Camille we could never thank you for being such an incredible friend! We love you and Mark and pray for you guys daily🙏🏻🙏🏻. God bless.

  15. Ashley and Mark, everyone has said such beautiful and powerful words that I have nothing more to add except that despite the time that has passed since I last saw you (and it seems a lifetime ago since church choir!) I have always been able to keep up with you with the beauty of social media. I will put you both in my daily prayers and be sending alllllll of the good, healing vibes!

  16. Love and prayers for you and Mark. We love you both

  17. First, I'm so sorry to hear all of this. Your strength and beautiful words are inspiration to all who know you. Second, I miss you so much! I'm sad that our busy lives got in the way of maintaining our friendship! God bless you. We're all rooting for you and Mark!

  18. Thinking and praying for you and Mark. Ashley you are very strong woman and have so much love and support to carry you on those hard days . You truly are an inspiration to everyone you meet, new and old friends. My heart and prayers are with you through this journey. Keep fighting and we will be fighting with you every step of the way!

  19. Sending prayers and love to you and Mark

  20. Dearest Ashley, You and Mark and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm rooting for you and after reading your blog I'm just amazed at the words you wrote about all this and how inspiring your words are to me in my own journey. You are so gifted in a million ways and are so so so loved! I know you'll walk through this with grace and beauty as that is just who you are. Our family is in your corner and rooting for you dear! Love, Katie and Josh

  21. Dear Ashley,
    My heart is heavy after receiving your most recent news. My heart is full at the same time. I feel privileged to even know someone who lives the life you live considering the cards you have been dealt. Your attitude is so amazingly positive. I know you can’t help but be frightened as you face all that lies ahead in this journey, but between your top notch care (and your trust in them) and the power of your positive attitude and prayers from the multitude of people who love you, you will come out on top of this battle. I will hold you in my heart and do all I can to help until that time comes.
    Hugs hugs and more hugs!❤️

  22. I hope each day brings a little more strength, determination, and healing your way.
