Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I'm Dreaming...

It's quiet in our house tonight. The world is asleep.  I sit curled up on the couch with a blanket next to the window, looking out into the world.  I've come to treasure these moments. They have become my place of escape and dreaming as the world beyond my walls sleeps peacefully.  The warm, soft lights from the tree, the comforting flame from the fireplace, and the streetlamp outside my window all cast a warm beautiful glow upon my cheeks.  In the light of the streetlamp, I can see the rain that began the day has turned to a light snow.  Will it be a white Christmas?  I sit, immersed in the warmth of light and love of this season, drinking in every ounce of beautiful life: dreaming again about tomorrow's possibility, and giving thanks for today.

Past, Present, Future
The lights from the tree reflect back into my eyes, as if we are having a dialogue.  I think about this time of year and what it means: friends, family, memories.  I think about past Christmases, this Christmas, and ones yet to come.  As I dream of past holidays, celebrations, or special memories, I find myself thinking about how healthy and resilient my lungs were and how I took those days so for granted.  I am so very thankful for each of those wonderful memories, for they have made me who I am today.  Most of all though, I am so grateful for this Christmas and all that it represents.  I stare back at the warm glow of the lights in the tree, waiting for answers and guidance to the questions and dreams I have stirring in my head about the days to come.  The lights from the tree fill my future with the light needed to guide me on my continued beautiful journey.

Each day I gain more strength, a new love for life, and am filled with the appreciation for dreaming of tomorrow and living for today. This last month has been the most terrifying, life changing, and emotionally devastating.  Yet, it has been filled with more good than I could ever know.  Amidst the desperation to merely breathe, I have been filled with so much life.  With each breath, my gratitude for all the beauty and people who fill my life only deepens.  As I sit amongst the glow of the fire, my heart is warmed thinking of the amazing people and the immense good I have in my life.  I think of old dreams, new possibilities, and what the future may hold.  I think of taking each day as it comes gracefully and being most thankful for every moment.  I think of every beautiful person that has made this Christmas season so full of life: I am beyond grateful for it all.

Unexpected Beauty
The world awoke to a slight dusting of snow this morning.  It wasn't the complete blanket of snow I was dreaming of, but it holds a beauty and message all its own.  New memories will be made today, and the dreams and hopes of this Christmas and those yet to come shall be brightened by today's falling snow and the light and love of the season.   I am so truly grateful for the beauty that fills today, and what tomorrow's journey may hold.  The light and love of Christmas will forever live in every beautiful breath I am given.  Love to you all.

Let yourself be immersed in the light of the season: filling you with beautiful memories, gratitude, and endless dreams. 

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