Continued from previous post….
Living with cystic fibrosis feels as if I’m desperately clinging to the side of a mountain’s ragged and crumbling edge, my face pressed against its side as I hold my breath with arms outstretched wide - my hands desperate to find something that will hold my tired grip. I can feel my toes tightly curled within my shoes trying to anchor myself to the thin rocky ledge which isn't wide enough to fit both of my feet. I feel the wind daring to pulling against my body as I try and steady myself. If I lose my focus to the rocky terrain that surrounds me, and I catch a glimpse of the world below. I feel myself begin to sway unsteadily as my body becomes disoriented - losing any shred of balance as I feel my own body being pulled from beneath my tight grip.
Then, this drug called, “Trikafta” came into my realm of possibility. And I dared to cautiously dream - to not only release my grip from the side of this crumbling mountain called CF, but to reach out, grab hold of a new ledge, and begin to climb. That I might look out at the beautiful vista before me and deeply breathe in a beauty I never thought possible. But, I also knew that these lungs are filled with decades of irreversible scarring and bronchiectasis that stubbornly have become a part of who I am. This craggy landscape that lives within the walls of this chest simply cannot be transformed within day. Or, possibly ever. But, I know the progression of CF. I’ve watched it take its merciless toll on those I love and a community for which I will be forever connected. I knew, with no guarantees, Trikafta was my only chance at slowing the unforgiving progression of CF within myself.
Changing the Unchangeable
So, I took my first dose of Trikafta 28 days ago and cautiously hoped - guarding my heart and my mind against exaggerated expectation while staying rooted in grateful, yet pragmatic possibility. Woven within the freefall of life-defining numbers etched within the walls of my being. Is the unchangeable changeable?

While I may feel like CF itself is a mountain, I actually haven’t seen the mountains in many years because of these lungs. I can only dream that with such realized hope that I may see such a beautiful perspective born of possibility again while fighting for more tomorrows for everyone with CF so they also may enjoy such a breathtakingly beautiful view. Love to you all.