I have been thinking a lot lately about memories and the people in them. This blog has caused me to sift through pictures to unearth some beautiful memories and spend time really thinking about the meaningful relationships in my life.

CF has caused me to think a lot about memories from the past, and memories I am currently making. Each day holds the potential for a wonderful new memory. I find myself wanting to "make as many memories" as possible these days. Part of my lack of sleep is because I fear I may miss a few good moments of life. I ask myself at the end of the day, "who and what made my today memorable?" or "could I have done more?" It can be the simplest of things like an unsuspecting person asking to give you a hug, or it can be the biggest of moments like sharing in major life events. They are all beautiful moments created with wonderful people. CF has also caused me to ponder the memories people have with me. Am I being a positive impact on their life? Their memories? How will I be remembered?

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use at your will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever. In its place is something that you have left behind. Let it be something good."

My memories are filled with beautiful laughter, tears, dreams, and hope for the future. I am so thankful for each of you who impacts my life so greatly and has filled my life with amazing moments. May I leave something good of myself everyday and find the good in every moment to come. Love to you all.
What memories are you making today?

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