Sunday, May 4, 2014


In each opportunity, experience, encounter, and relationship there is something that we learn: that we take with us and share.  When you look back at the end of the day, how have you been changed? What have you learned?  What will you share with the world?

May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness month.  It's a month dedicated not just to educating the world about CF, raising awareness and hope for the future, but it's a month dedicated to shedding light on people.  It's a month dedicated to the beautiful dreams, hopes, fears, memories, and lives of those affected by CF.  It's a month dedicated to each brave breath and the wonderful people who fight for each one.  A purple ribbon signifies CF:  I ask you to wear purple on Monday, May 5, and share with the world something about CF.  Not just for me, but for the families, friends, and strangers who are affected by CF. 

When I started this blog I had no idea the reaction it would get, not only from the amazing people in my life, but from myself.  The outpouring of support and love has been so overwhelming and humbling.  Strangely, I've always felt like letting the world know I had CF somehow made me not a real person, offensively different, or the focus of a pity party: all things I've tried so desperately to conceal.  All I have ever wanted to be is "normal." For once in my life, this blog is making me come to terms with what my "normal" really is and looks like: it's confronting me with who I really am.  What am I taking away from this experience?  The real me. 
Wear your purple proudly!

Thank You
I am so honored to be a part of your lives, whether it be in person or through the words on this page.  Thank you for sharing yourselves with me: you each truly make my life so beautiful.  May is dedicated to Cystic Fibrosis and the hope for the future.  Spread the word.  Love to you all.

How has CF changed your life? 

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